Cellu Active Head
This is the star head of the Glo 910+ anti-cellulite massager. The one that does the most efficient job of reducing cellulite. The fat buster par excellence, the one that gets the job done, so to speak. With those visible teeth it kneads the skin, destroys the fatty accumulations and tones the muscle. With this Glo 910+ head it happens that, when you use it, you can clearly feel it working. What a fantastic feeling.
Cellu Detox Head
Here we have another member of the Glo 910+ gang. The Cellu-Detox head drains and tones thoroughly. Every part of your body will appreciate its soft, yet powerful touch, its lightness as it glides over your legs and the wonderful feeling of absorption and effectiveness when combined with an anti-cellulite product. It's all about stimulation, toning and lightness. Drainage is our new favourite word.
Body Brush Head
The innovative head for dry body exfoliation. Its soft bristles exert pressure on the skin, removing dead skin cells and impurities while restoring the skin's radiant and luminous tone.
Cool Legs Head
Do your legs feel tired, heavy, swollen or sore as the day progresses? If you answer yes to any of these descriptions, you are a candidate for this cryomassage head, which applies cold on the move. Cold is our friend, believe us. Thanks to it, your legs will feel light, agile and refined, eliminating pain and fatigue. Instant freshness and relief that will last for hours. It's expressed with "mmm" and "wow".
Women's Health explains it like this: "Your legs feel so light, after the massage it's as if you're floating around the house.
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